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postgres 源码解析46 可见性映射表VM


  Postgres 为实现多版本并发控制技术,当事务删除或者更新元组时,并非从物理上进行删除,而是将其进行逻辑删除[具体实现通过设置元组头信息xmax/infomask等标志位信息],随着业务的累增,表会越来越膨胀,对于执行计划的生成/最优路径的选择会产生干扰。为解决这一问题,可以通过调用VACUUM来清理这些无效元组。但是一个表可能有很多页组成,如何快速定位到含有无效元组的数据页在高并发场景显得尤为重要,幸运的是pg为表新增对应的附属文件—可见性映射表(VM),来加速判断heap块是否存在无效元祖。

VM 文件结构


  VM中为每个HEAP page设置两个比特位 (all-visible and all-frozen),分别对应于该页是否存在无效元祖、该页元组是否全部冻结。
all-visible 比特位的设置表明页内所有元组对于后续所有的事务都是可见的,因此该页无需进行 vacuum操作;
all-frozen 比特位的设置表明页内所有的元组已被冻结,在进行全表扫描vacuum请求时也无需进行vacuum操作。
NOTES: all-frozen 比特位的设置必须建立在该页已设置过 all-visible比特位。


all-visible 比特位: 0 ==> 含有无效元祖    1 ==> 元组均可见,不含无效元祖
all-frozen 比特位: 0 ==> 含有非冻结元祖   1 ==> 元组均冻结可见
字节对应的二进制信息: 00 00 00 10
场景:对heap表进行vacuum操作,块1无效元祖被清除,需要设置 all-visible比特位,而块4所有元组冻结

读取数据是以字节为单位,因此通过 char *map数组读取出页内容首地址,通过偏移量确定all-visible 与 all-frozen比特位
1 Block-1对应的比特位为 00, 设置all-visible后更新为 10;
2 Block-4对应的比特位为 10, 设置all-frozen后更新为 11;


/* Number of bits for one heap page */
#define BITS_PER_HEAPBLOCK 2             // 每个heap块对应 2bits

/* Flags for bit map */
#define VISIBILITYMAP_ALL_VISIBLE	0x01	// all_visible
#define VISIBILITYMAP_ALL_FROZEN	0x02    // all_frozen 
#define VISIBILITYMAP_VALID_BITS	0x03	/* OR of all valid visibilitymap
											 * flags bits */
 * Size of the bitmap on each visibility map page, in bytes. There's no
 * extra headers, so the whole page minus the standard page header is
 * used for the bitmap.
#define MAPSIZE (BLCKSZ - MAXALIGN(SizeOfPageHeaderData))    // map页大小

/* Number of heap blocks we can represent in one byte */

/* Number of heap blocks we can represent in one visibility map page. */

/* Mapping from heap block number to the right bit in the visibility map */

/* Masks for counting subsets of bits in the visibility map. */
#define VISIBLE_MASK64	UINT64CONST(0x5555555555555555) /* The lower bit of each
														 * bit pair */
#define FROZEN_MASK64	UINT64CONST(0xaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa) /* The upper bit of each
														 * bit pair */
// 读取没有 line pointers文件页的访问方法,尤其适合于VM文件页
 1. PageGetContents
 2. 	To be used in cases where the page does not contain line pointers.
 3.  4. Note: prior to 8.3 this was not guaranteed to yield a MAXALIGN'd result.
 5. Now it is.  Beware of old code that might think the offset to the contents
 6. is just SizeOfPageHeaderData rather than MAXALIGN(SizeOfPageHeaderData).
#define PageGetContents(page) \
	((char *) (page) + MAXALIGN(SizeOfPageHeaderData))


1 visibilitymap_set
1)首先进行安全性校验,判断传入的heap buf 和 vmbuf是否有效以及buf中缓存页是否一一对应;
2)获取VM页内容首地址(跳过PageHeaderData),获取vmbuf的 BUFFER_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE;
   (1) 进入临界区,在指定bit位设置信息,将vmbuf标记为脏;
   (2) 写WAL日志,如果开启wal_log_hints,需要将此日志号的LSN更新至heap 页后中;最后更新vmbuf缓存页的LSN,并退出临界。
4)释放vmbuf 持有的排他锁。

 *	visibilitymap_set - set bit(s) on a previously pinned page
 * recptr is the LSN of the XLOG record we're replaying, if we're in recovery,
 * or InvalidXLogRecPtr in normal running.  The page LSN is advanced to the
 * one provided; in normal running, we generate a new XLOG record and set the
 * page LSN to that value.  cutoff_xid is the largest xmin on the page being
 * marked all-visible; it is needed for Hot Standby, and can be
 * InvalidTransactionId if the page contains no tuples.  It can also be set
 * to InvalidTransactionId when a page that is already all-visible is being
 * marked all-frozen.
 * 在recovery时 recptr为XLOG 记录的LSN,正常运行时为 InvalidXLogRecPtr。
 * cutoff_xid为进行标记操作的最大事务号;在备机上如果页内没有元组则为 InvalidTransactionId
 * 在页标记为 all-frozen时其 cutoff_xid 为 InvalidTransactionId
 * Caller is expected to set the heap page's PD_ALL_VISIBLE bit before calling
 * this function. Except in recovery, caller should also pass the heap
 * buffer. When checksums are enabled and we're not in recovery, we must add
 * the heap buffer to the WAL chain to protect it from being torn.
 * You must pass a buffer containing the correct map page to this function.
 * Call visibilitymap_pin first to pin the right one. This function doesn't do
 * any I/O.
visibilitymap_set(Relation rel, BlockNumber heapBlk, Buffer heapBuf,
				  XLogRecPtr recptr, Buffer vmBuf, TransactionId cutoff_xid,
				  uint8 flags)
	BlockNumber mapBlock = HEAPBLK_TO_MAPBLOCK(heapBlk);
	uint32		mapByte = HEAPBLK_TO_MAPBYTE(heapBlk);
	uint8		mapOffset = HEAPBLK_TO_OFFSET(heapBlk);
	Page		page;
	uint8	   *map;

	elog(DEBUG1, "vm_set %s %d", RelationGetRelationName(rel), heapBlk);

	Assert(InRecovery || XLogRecPtrIsInvalid(recptr));
	Assert(InRecovery || BufferIsValid(heapBuf));

	/* Check that we have the right heap page pinned, if present */
	if (BufferIsValid(heapBuf) && BufferGetBlockNumber(heapBuf) != heapBlk)
		elog(ERROR, "wrong heap buffer passed to visibilitymap_set");

	/* Check that we have the right VM page pinned */
	if (!BufferIsValid(vmBuf) || BufferGetBlockNumber(vmBuf) != mapBlock)
		elog(ERROR, "wrong VM buffer passed to visibilitymap_set");

	page = BufferGetPage(vmBuf);
	map = (uint8 *) PageGetContents(page);

	if (flags != (map[mapByte] >> mapOffset & VISIBILITYMAP_VALID_BITS))

		map[mapByte] |= (flags << mapOffset);

		if (RelationNeedsWAL(rel))
			if (XLogRecPtrIsInvalid(recptr))
				recptr = log_heap_visible(rel->rd_node, heapBuf, vmBuf,
										  cutoff_xid, flags);

				 * If data checksums are enabled (or wal_log_hints=on), we
				 * need to protect the heap page from being torn.
				if (XLogHintBitIsNeeded())
					Page		heapPage = BufferGetPage(heapBuf);

					/* caller is expected to set PD_ALL_VISIBLE first */
					PageSetLSN(heapPage, recptr);
			PageSetLSN(page, recptr);


	LockBuffer(vmBuf, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK);

2 visibilitymap_get_status

  1. 首先判断vmbuf是否有效,如果有效,则进一步其缓存的页是否为heap块对应页,若对应关系不匹配,则释放vmbuf pin;
  2. 若无效,则调用 vm_readbuf 将vm页加载至缓冲块中并返回vmbuf,若返回vmbuf无效,则返回false后退出;
    这里只需要pin 机制,无需加 BUFFER_LOCK_SHARE
 *	visibilitymap_get_status - get status of bits
 * Are all tuples on heapBlk visible to all or are marked frozen, according
 * to the visibility map?
 * On entry, *buf should be InvalidBuffer or a valid buffer returned by an
 * earlier call to visibilitymap_pin or visibilitymap_get_status on the same
 * relation. On return, *buf is a valid buffer with the map page containing
 * the bit for heapBlk, or InvalidBuffer. The caller is responsible for
 * releasing *buf after it's done testing and setting bits.
 * NOTE: This function is typically called without a lock on the heap page,
 * so somebody else could change the bit just after we look at it.  In fact,
 * since we don't lock the visibility map page either, it's even possible that
 * someone else could have changed the bit just before we look at it, but yet
 * we might see the old value.  It is the caller's responsibility to deal with
 * all concurrency issues!
visibilitymap_get_status(Relation rel, BlockNumber heapBlk, Buffer *buf)
	BlockNumber mapBlock = HEAPBLK_TO_MAPBLOCK(heapBlk);
	uint32		mapByte = HEAPBLK_TO_MAPBYTE(heapBlk);
	uint8		mapOffset = HEAPBLK_TO_OFFSET(heapBlk);
	char	   *map;
	uint8		result;

	elog(DEBUG1, "vm_get_status %s %d", RelationGetRelationName(rel), heapBlk);

	/* Reuse the old pinned buffer if possible */
	if (BufferIsValid(*buf))
		if (BufferGetBlockNumber(*buf) != mapBlock)
			*buf = InvalidBuffer;

	if (!BufferIsValid(*buf))
		*buf = vm_readbuf(rel, mapBlock, false);
		if (!BufferIsValid(*buf))
			return false;

	map = PageGetContents(BufferGetPage(*buf));

	 * A single byte read is atomic.  There could be memory-ordering effects
	 * here, but for performance reasons we make it the caller's job to worry
	 * about that.
	result = ((map[mapByte] >> mapOffset) & VISIBILITYMAP_VALID_BITS);
	return result;

3 vm_readbuf

vm_readbuf 函数的功能是负责将指定VM页加载至缓冲区中,若有需要会进行extend生成新页并进行初始化。其执行流程图如下:

 * Read a visibility map page.
 * If the page doesn't exist, InvalidBuffer is returned, or if 'extend' is
 * true, the visibility map file is extended.
static Buffer
vm_readbuf(Relation rel, BlockNumber blkno, bool extend)
	Buffer		buf;
	SMgrRelation reln;

	 * Caution: re-using this smgr pointer could fail if the relcache entry
	 * gets closed.  It's safe as long as we only do smgr-level operations
	 * between here and the last use of the pointer.
	reln = RelationGetSmgr(rel);

	 * If we haven't cached the size of the visibility map fork yet, check it
	 * first.
	 // 首先检查 是否cached 对应fork (vm)页
	if (reln->smgr_cached_nblocks[VISIBILITYMAP_FORKNUM] == InvalidBlockNumber)
		if (smgrexists(reln, VISIBILITYMAP_FORKNUM))    // 判断是否存在,存在即cached
			smgrnblocks(reln, VISIBILITYMAP_FORKNUM);
			reln->smgr_cached_nblocks[VISIBILITYMAP_FORKNUM] = 0;

	/* Handle requests beyond EOF */
	// 申请的页号超出对应 fork现有最大页号,且指定扩展,则调用 vm_extend进行新建,反之返回InvalidBuffer 
	if (blkno >= reln->smgr_cached_nblocks[VISIBILITYMAP_FORKNUM])
		if (extend)
			vm_extend(rel, blkno + 1);
			return InvalidBuffer;

	 * Use ZERO_ON_ERROR mode, and initialize the page if necessary. It's
	 * always safe to clear bits, so it's better to clear corrupt pages than
	 * error out.
	 * The initialize-the-page part is trickier than it looks, because of the
	 * possibility of multiple backends doing this concurrently, and our
	 * desire to not uselessly take the buffer lock in the normal path where
	 * the page is OK.  We must take the lock to initialize the page, so
	 * recheck page newness after we have the lock, in case someone else
	 * already did it.  Also, because we initially check PageIsNew with no
	 * lock, it's possible to fall through and return the buffer while someone
	 * else is still initializing the page (i.e., we might see pd_upper as set
	 * but other page header fields are still zeroes).  This is harmless for
	 * callers that will take a buffer lock themselves, but some callers
	 * inspect the page without any lock at all.  The latter is OK only so
	 * long as it doesn't depend on the page header having correct contents.
	 * Current usage is safe because PageGetContents() does not require that.
	 // 常规流程 ==》 从共享缓冲池选择一个缓冲块缓存指定的VM页面,如果是新NEW页,获取
	 // BUFFER_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE,后再次检查页面是否为NEW[进行两次判断其是否为新页,
	 // 是因为有其他进程在本进程申请锁时已经完成了初始化]
	buf = ReadBufferExtended(rel, VISIBILITYMAP_FORKNUM, blkno,
	if (PageIsNew(BufferGetPage(buf)))
		if (PageIsNew(BufferGetPage(buf)))
			PageInit(BufferGetPage(buf), BLCKSZ, 0);
		LockBuffer(buf, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK);
	return buf;

4 vm_extend


  1. 首先页面初始化,填充PageHeader结构体pd_lower、pd_upper/和flag初始信息;
    3)如果文件不存在,则调用 smgrcreate进行创建,反之进入第4)步;
 * Ensure that the visibility map fork is at least vm_nblocks long, extending
 * it if necessary with zeroed pages.
static void
vm_extend(Relation rel, BlockNumber vm_nblocks)
	BlockNumber vm_nblocks_now;
	PGAlignedBlock pg;
	SMgrRelation reln;

	PageInit((Page) pg.data, BLCKSZ, 0);

	 * We use the relation extension lock to lock out other backends trying to
	 * extend the visibility map at the same time. It also locks out extension
	 * of the main fork, unnecessarily, but extending the visibility map
	 * happens seldom enough that it doesn't seem worthwhile to have a
	 * separate lock tag type for it.
	 * Note that another backend might have extended or created the relation
	 * by the time we get the lock.
	LockRelationForExtension(rel, ExclusiveLock);

	 * Caution: re-using this smgr pointer could fail if the relcache entry
	 * gets closed.  It's safe as long as we only do smgr-level operations
	 * between here and the last use of the pointer.
	reln = RelationGetSmgr(rel);

	 * Create the file first if it doesn't exist.  If smgr_vm_nblocks is
	 * positive then it must exist, no need for an smgrexists call.
	if ((reln->smgr_cached_nblocks[VISIBILITYMAP_FORKNUM] == 0 ||
		 reln->smgr_cached_nblocks[VISIBILITYMAP_FORKNUM] == InvalidBlockNumber) &&
		!smgrexists(reln, VISIBILITYMAP_FORKNUM))
		smgrcreate(reln, VISIBILITYMAP_FORKNUM, false);

	/* Invalidate cache so that smgrnblocks() asks the kernel. */
	reln->smgr_cached_nblocks[VISIBILITYMAP_FORKNUM] = InvalidBlockNumber;
	vm_nblocks_now = smgrnblocks(reln, VISIBILITYMAP_FORKNUM);

	/* Now extend the file */
	while (vm_nblocks_now < vm_nblocks)
		PageSetChecksumInplace((Page) pg.data, vm_nblocks_now);

		smgrextend(reln, VISIBILITYMAP_FORKNUM, vm_nblocks_now, pg.data, false);

	 * Send a shared-inval message to force other backends to close any smgr
	 * references they may have for this rel, which we are about to change.
	 * This is a useful optimization because it means that backends don't have
	 * to keep checking for creation or extension of the file, which happens
	 * infrequently.

	UnlockRelationForExtension(rel, ExclusiveLock);


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